Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jamestown Cross

UBUNTU: Ubuntu was the theme for General Convention 2009. Ubuntu is an African way of life of being oneself shaped through the community one is in. I in You and You in Me. When at Convention I definitely felt the theme take life in what we were doing. We dealt with many difficult issues but we worked through them together and respectfully. We listened to each other, we prayed with each other, we sang songs of praise with each other. We were truly a family and lived up to the theme of Ubuntu. We became good friends with many other deputations that were sitting near us as well. Our deputation grew very close while discussing resolutions that were put in front of us to vote on. We also participated in many social dinners and gatherings together that allowed us to talk more freely and get to know one another more fully. At the end of Convention I really felt like I had extended my church family to the national level, with the closest of these members being on my own deputation. Resolutions and church legislation are a very important part of General Convention, but the relationships built, and community felt is what Christ was all about.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Last day of convention: 7.17.09,

I won't lie, I am tired and ready for it to be over...but am very exctied to have been part of the deputation to Convention and had an amazing time and felt like we really did make history. : )

That morning legislative session we voted yet again against bringing C023 back to the floor for vote. We passed the concent calendar for the day, and we started talking about c056 which we later took a vote by orders on.

After that I had to pack my things real fast and get out of the hotel room by noon so i missed some of the eucharist with the Presiding Bishop giving the sermon so I was sad to miss that but needed to do what i needed to do.

I went to lunch w/Tray and Tim and then it was time for the 2pm leg. session:
C056 results came back, there needed to be 55 yes in both orders. clergy: 74 yes, 27 no, 7 div, carried by 68.5%. In the lay order it was 78 yes, 23 no, and 7 divided, carries by 72%.
There were elections to the Standing Committee of the search of the Presiding Bishop. C061 was amended by the HOB but they took away the list of who/what couldn't be discriminated on, and therefore it did not pass in the house, and was directed to a committee chosen by the Secretary of the House later. A051 was also taken in vote by orders. lay: 100 voted yes, and in clergy:98 yes, 2 no, 1 divided. Carries.

It was an amazing experience I will be writing a peice on Ubuntu and the over all feeling of the Convention for the James Cross soon, and I will post it on here as well. We are going to most likely have two debriefing/learning experiences for those in the diocese who wish to come and here about Convention. I will keep you posted! This has been a true pleasure serving the Diocese of Southern VA in this capacity as Deputy to General Convention and I am blessed to have had the opportunity and am very greatful! : )

Friday, July 17, 2009

Continuation of 9.16.09:

9am session: Passed X013 Special Order for consideration of Report from PB&F to be heard at the 2pm session. Passed other not as exciting resolutions.

I went to sleep during lunch hour. Still so tired.

2pm session: Passed concent calendar for the day (which is increasing daily since it is just one vote for all resolutions in it). Passed budget with no amendment after having special order for it. D048 urging Universal Health Care was a hot issue. We voted 50.4 yes, 49.6 No. C023 came up about Sam Sex Unions:Defense of Marital Statuses, there was a vote by order and some confusion on deputations' votes and even 2 people asked for us to relook at the decision, but we didnt. Lay: 70 yes, 28 no, 11 divided (which equals no) and Clergy: 60 yes, 35 no, 14 divided, it passed in both orders and therefore carries.

That night I went out with some people from the chicago deputation as well as Tim Sessions to an Indian restuarant it was good. Then we went to the U2Charist which was long and loud, so we left after the peace, then went to the social wind down hour in the Bishop's room, then bed.

This morning (7.17.09) I am up, went to the deputation meeting that was in the Bishops room for 45 minutes and we discussed some closing legislation as well as ideas for meetings later throughout the diocese to tell our stories.

I am going to write again on the last day probably tomorrow.

: )

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Update from yesterday: C061 passed in the HOD and sent to the HOB which came back with an amendment from them which we then passed and changed a little again so it went back to the HOB and was passed.

2-6pm legislative session: (PS I have no more legislative committees!) During the joint session we got the National Church's Propopsed Budget. We passed x013 a special order resolution on D067 on Mission and Missionary Budget.

We passed a lot of other resolutions as well.

That night it was Tray's birthday so we went to Outback steakhouse. Then I came home and hung out and went to sleep.

9am session coming up! : )

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


D025 came back from the HOB with an amendment *an amendment that did not do too much to what the resolution orignally said* and after long debate was passed in the HOD. C061 is the resolution that is now a hot topic resolution, this resolution is close in relation to that of D025, it just also includes transgendered people (to allow them to be ordained into any ministry in the church and express what gender they feel they are).

I went to both Disneyland and Disney's CA Adventure yesterday and had a wonderful time but am not veryveryvery tired this morning. I woke up at 6:30 to make it to the 7am deputation meeting and woke up again around 715 and so I called the deputation and told them I would need to miss out on the AM legislative session.

I will keep you posted on the last few days of convention! : )

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Continuation of 9.12.09:

After a lovely 2 hours of pool time I came back, took a shower and was off to legislative session from 3-6pm. We had nominations for executive council, and trustees of the General Theological Seminary. We started talk on resolution D025 which will change the history of our church if we and the HOB pass it! In essence it is calling everyone (esp. homosexual people) to every ministry opportunity in this church, priest and bishop. When we had the vote by orders vote I went to ask what our alternates thought because it was such a big issue I wanted to have everyone's input, the ones who chose to respond all agreed we should adopt the resolution. As we voted all of the clergy but one, as well as all of they lay voted to adopt the resolution. In the HOD there were 77 lay vote by orders that were for adoption, and 31 against. In the clergy there were 74 for and 35 against, for lay we needed 50 to pass, and in clergy, 49. So it passed!!!! It was now onto the HOB for passing.

That night Samantha, Tray, Tim, Amelia and I all went out to Pop The Cork for dinner at Anaheim Gardenwalk and Tray, Amelia and I went to Bar Louise after for a beer. Got home around 11:30pm, woke up at 6am!

7.13.09: Woke up Tired! The newness and excitement is starting to wear down and now the exhaustion is catching up. Went to the deputation meeting where we decided to start meeting at 7am now since the legislative committees were going to slow down. Not my committee...there was a hearing in which was to repeal B033 where most everyone was for it (but with D025 I don't think that is really an issue as far as legislation is concerned anymore) and they started to deliberate on some resolutions at which time I left because I knew I would later hear them in the HOD. I was tired and got a little moody (just mehh...) so I got some coffee before 9:30am legislative session. In that session we talked more on the special order of B023, the Bishop elect of Ecuador Central. There was much split feelings in that diocese about if he should be Bishop. However, the committee dealing with this promised us that they conducted their search and process the way they are supposed too by the constitution and cannons.

After that I was so tired I skipped Eucharist for the first time being here (which later I found many others had as well...) and went straight to sleep for about an hour and a half...very much needed nap.

I woke up ate lunch, got more coffee and went to the legislative session at 2-6pm. At this session it was a little boring because they were slightly nit picky or reduntant in positive thought about certain resolutios. We voted and carried that beginning with concent calendar day 6 we would have one vote for or against everything on the concent calendar. We adopted day 6 as recommended. we had 3rd, 4th, and 5th Ballots on Church Pension Fund Trustees and finally had all we needed for election. We had 3rd and 4th Ballots on Bishop search committee and got all we needed in lay but not clergy.

We passed B023 in favor of the Bishop elect of Ecuador Central. That night we had our Southern VA Dinner with the Bishop at the Whitehouse Anaheim, it was absolutely Gorgeous and I had a great vegetarian meal!!! : ) Went to bed around 11pm, up at 6:30, and am going to Disneyland and Disney's CA Adventure all day tonight! : ). This is my full break day!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

So for the morning legislative session we elected the Vice President for the next three years who is the same vice president now (and same with the President, although we did not do that today we did that a day or so ago) and passed other resolutions that will be in the big report that will be printed sometime in January once completed. Then was Eucharist, then Samantha and i worked out during lunch (and made a quick sandwich). Then we had Public Narrative from 2-3:30pm and after, one of the priests in the group came up to me and said that he thought a may be interested/good for the job of being on the National Standing Committee on Evangelism. And I thought it was really nice of him to think of me and I will think about it.

Then there was another legislative session from 4-6 where we heard from representatives/the equivalents to what our HOD president or PB is. New Zealand, Ghana, Canada, Brazil, Kenya and South Africa were represented, and showed great love and support for all we are doing. The New Zealand representative told us that there were many unchecked horrible rumors flying around the Communion for some time but after actually talking with and finding out the truth they were very much in support of us.

We did the 1st Ballots for Trial of Bishops and 2nd Ballot for Church Pension Fund trustees.

After that I went to the Nashotah House reception. I had a wonderful conversation with two people who were more conservative about the issues facing us at this Convention but I told them how appreciative that I was that they were there as well as for our conversation.

Then some of us went to downtown disney to the jazz kitchen and had a lovely social time.

This morning Samantha and I woke up and went to the Women's Caucus breakfast, which was exciting...they talked about the issues they once faced and the issues that we are now facing and how there are many parallels. Now its time for the UTO ingathering/Eucharist and then free time till 3pm (pool time!!!)

: )